Social Studies
1- Dimly: not very clearly (به تیرگی/به تاریکی)
2- Dimly lit: dark. (تاریک)
3- Heat: to make hot or warm.(گرم کردن)
4- Poorly heated: cold.(سرد)
5- Ventilate: to let fresh air entre the room and move around.(تهویه کردن)
6- Arithmetic: it's a kind of mathematics.(حساب)
7-Detention: It's a kind of punishment .The student should stay at school for a time after other students have gone home.
( 1395/10/2)
1- receive: get = accept ( دریافت کردن)
2- Submit: to give your homework to your teacher online.(ارایه دادن)
3- Assignment: homework.(تکلیف /مشق)
4- Slate: a small wooden board the students used in the past to write.(تخته / لوح)
Education: going to school and learning how to read and write.(تحصیل)
Past: before , the old times.(گذشته)
Present: right now, at this moment.(حال)
Identify: to recognize or know.(شناسایی کردن یا شناختن)
Practice: Exercise.(تمرین)
Remain: to continue to exist.(باقی ماندن)
The same: similar=unchanged.(شبیه/یکسان/مشابه)
My lovely girls:
Remember that you have a quiz this coming Monday
)دخترای گلم یادتون باشه این دوشنبه امتحان برگزار میشود)
( 1395/8/19)
What is the impact of clear-cutting?
1- Making room for the construction of roads.
2- Regenerating the forest with healthier trees.
3- Controlling outbreaks of forest pests.
4- Providing paper and wood products.
5- Developing and expanding towns and cities.
6- Fostering specific trees that need lots of sunlight.
7- Extracting precious mineral and oil resources.
8- Giving farmers land to grow crops and graze livestock.
( 1395/8/13)
Keep in mind the following terms:
1- Provide: to make something available. (فراهم کردن)
2- Product: a thing which is made for sale. (محصول)
3- Aspect = dimension (بعد / جنبه)
4- Allow = let = permit (اجازه دادن)
5- Development: to make something more advanced.(پیشرفت/توسعه)
6- Expansion: to make something bigger or larger.(گسترش/توسعه)
7- Specific= Special.(مخصوص /خاص/ویژه)
( 1395/8/6)
Learn the following words:
1- Room = Space (فضا / جا)
2- Road = street. (خیابان)
3- regenerate: grow strong again.(احیا /تولید مجدد)
4- outbreak: the sudden start of something like a disease.(شیوع)
5- Disease= illness = sickness. (بیماری)
Try to learn the following words: (1395/7/28)
1- town = small city ( شهر)
2- Healthy : having good health, not likely to become ill. ( سالم)
3- Pest: an animal or an insect that destroys (kills) plants, trees, flowers,...
4- Construction: the method of building roads, bridges, buildings ...... (ساخت و ساز)
5- Mineral: a substance that is naturally present in the earth like gold. (ماده معدنی)
My lovely girls try to memorize the following vocabularies: (1395/7/21)
1- Impact = effect = influence (تاثیر / اثر )
2- Clear-cutting: to cut down all the trees in an area. (قطع یکسره درختان )
3- Logging : cutting down trees for their wood. (قطع کنده درختان )
4 - Entire = whole : including every thing , every one or every part. (تمام / کل / کامل )
5- Area = region : part of a place. (منطقه / ناحیه )
6- Common = usual : what happens often. (رایج / معمول )
7- Method = way (روش / شیوه / راه )
8- Harvest : the act of cutting and gathering crops on a farm. (برداشت محصول / درو )
9- Forest = jungle = woods (جنگل )
10- Forestry : the practice of planting and taking care of trees. (جنگل داری )
11- Livestock : the animals kept on a farm like cows, sheep ,.... (چهارپایان اهلی / دام )
Dear Ladies pay attention to the following question ( 1395 / 7 /15 )
What are children's rights?
1- Having a name and nationality, shelter , cloths , food ,........
2- Living with their parents
3- Receiving help from government
4- Having good quality education
5- Being protected from harm
6- Celebrating their culture
7- Playing and resting
8- Saying their opinions